Nathan, contemplating his recent growth... week 3
Sponsor Nathan!
Nathan's Bio:
Nathan has been an avid grower of facial hair from an early age. He started with the well known goatee, but soon moved on to more progressive forms of ornimentation such as the mountain man beard, and later the handlebar mustache. Nathan has participated in various mustache competitions throughout the United States, but this particular mustache-a-thon is closer to his heart.
In his own words:
"Having participated in the Human Rights Summit during my undergraduate studies at San Francisco State University, I know that it is one of the most important events produced every year. Important for the broader community and for the students who not only get the valuable experience of planning and producing an academic conference, but get to read their own works in a public forum. This is unheard of in most undergraduate institutions, and in the current financial climate we need to band together in order to make sure that conferences such as this stay alive. Im wearing my mustache proudly, and I hope that you can find it in your heart to give a few dollars for a great cause!"
wow, nathan has the coolest mustache on the planet! How do you do it Nathan?